Tag Archives: movies movie reviews

‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is a witty, sharp take on Shakespeare

How awesome is Joss Whedon? While he was making “The Avengers”, he was also making this little movie — at the same time — a modern take on William Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”.

MuchAdodrinkUsing one location, his own home, Whedon directs a small but sensational cast. The literal adaption of the play leads to a lot of awkward but hilarious moments, as these yuppies gather for a wedding and do nothing but spew lyrical about the meaning of love.

It comes across as a student film most of the time both in the look and in the acting. But it’s part of the charm. The dialogue and banter is sharp and stingingly true to this day.

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Photo property of Roadside Attractions

‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2’ brings saga to goofy ending that will please fans

There has rarely been a series of movies as polarizing as the “Twilight Saga”. Fans of the books love these movies with a blind passion, not caring that Kristen Stewart has no range besides “zombie mode”. Non-fans, on the other hand, tend to despise these movies to the point of extremist hatred. Sure, the first four have gradually gotten worse. Thankfully, director Bill Condon manages to squeeze as much entertainment as he possibly could from the final installment of this vampire romance saga. “Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2” picks up right where “Breaking Dawn part 1” left off, with Bella waking up as a vampire. (Continue Reading at Examiner.com)