‘Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs’ is pretty standard family fun — movie review

Who’s in it?: Bill Hader, Andy Samberg and Will Forte (all from SNL), Anna Ferris (Scary Movie) and Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, M.D.) and Mr. T (enough said)

Based on the children’s book by Ron and Judi Barrett

The following blog has been rated G because after all, it is a kids movie we are talking about here…

I really don’t know what to say about this one.  I mean it’s friggin’ Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  The truth is, after some of the crap I’ve seen at this point, a children’s flick was in order- and this one pays off.  but like I said, it is what it is.  An animated kids movie based on a book about food that magically falls from the sky.

Don’t worry, if you haven’t read or are not familiar with the book.  The movie is nothing like it.  It is, for the most part, completely made up within the world created by the authors.

The animation is good, the characters are what you would expect.  It’s funny for the kids, without being completely stupid, which is what drives me crazy about these cartoon flicks these days.  Most of them make our kids dumber.  Rarely are they written with anyone that can write intelligent humor.  I can’t stand it when kids humor means fart jokes.

This one doesn’t stoop that low.  It’s fun when you watch it, with younger kids, but ultimately its forgettable.  I’m sure it was brilliant in 3-D, but I didn’t see it in 3-D so I don’t have an opinion.


Would I recommend this movie?: Yep.  It’s good for a night with the kids.