Whitaker and Oyelowo lead an all-star cast in ‘Lee Daniels’ The Butler

There are movies that hope and dream they might get recognized when it comes to Oscar season and then there are movies that are made for Oscar season. You know the ones: big cast, heavy hitting and possibly controversial subject matter, period setting allowing for elaborate costumes and recreating historical sets…ButlerO

Think “Lincoln” last season. Great movie. Great actors. Twelve nominations, no wins.

This year, “Lee Daniel’s The Butler” offers up a huge cast of whose who actors as we follow Cecil Gaines (Forest Whitaker) learning the ways of a house servant and making his way to the White House, where he serves as a butler for the President of the United States for nearly 40 years. 

The cast both makes and breaks this movie. There are a lot of amazing actors and actresses playing people who are well known in American  history. It works for some. Alan Rickman is, of course, awesome in his bit role as President Ronald Regan. But it’s hard to see Richard Nixon and not John Cusack.

Washington Post article: A Butler Well Served by This Election

Same goes for Oprah Winfrey. She’s practically her own country. It takes a little while to accept her in this, but after a while she disappears into the role. But the actor who really delivers is David Oyelowo as the son of Cecil Gaines.

Read my full movie review for Lee Daniels’ The Butler at Examiner.com

Release date: August 16, 2013

Directed by: Lee Daniels

Written by: Danny Strong, Wil Haygood

Starring: Forrest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, Alan Rickman, John Cusack and David Oyelowo

Theatrical trailer for Lee Daniel’s The Butler

Photos and trailer are property of The Weinstein Company