Tag Archives: Aaron Eckhart

‘London Has Fallen’ sucks as much as the first one

I see a lot of movies, so you have to understand it can be really easy to confuse them, or sometimes forget them altogether. I remembered “Olympus Has Fallen” having existed but I always confused it for the one with Channing Tatum (“White House Down”, released the same year).

Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart take a moment to figure out why they agreed to make this movie. (Photo: Focus Features)
Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart take a moment to figure out why they agreed to make this movie. (Photo: Focus Features)

Early in the year, I don’t expect much out of theatrical releases. So, when “London Has Fallen” comes stumbling around the corner, it’s like that old high school classmate. You recognize them, you don’t wanna be rude, so you’re like ‘okay, let’s hang out’. How bad can it be?

That’s about when my son taps me on the shoulder and says, ‘I can’t believe you want to see this…you hated the last one”. (He was right, per my review).

And then Gerard Butler came on screen. And started talking. And it all came flooding back. Like traumatic flashbacks from a time I’ve long since tried to forget….but it was too late —

Full LONDON HAS FALLEN movie review

Rarting: 4/10

Directed by: Babak Najafi

Written by: Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt,Christian Gudegast and Chad St. John

Starring: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Angela Bassett, and Morgan Freeman

MPAA rating: R for strong violence and language throughout

Running time: 1 hour 40 mins.


‘Olympus Has Fallen’ is a mix bag of every action movies you’ve already seen

OlympusHasFallenThere is a point in “Olympus Has Fallen“, where you’re going to feel like you’ve seen it all before. In fact, if you’ve seen any action movie in the past 25 years, you might already feel that way from simply seeing the trailer. No need to check the marquee. It’s a brand new movie. Unfortunately, there isn’t an ounce of creative or original thought to be found at any point in the two hour running time. Continue Reading at Examiner.com

Photo property of Film District

‘Battle: Los Angeles’ goes rattle and boom but really just blows- Movie Review

I took my boys to see Battle Los Angeles, thinking okay, ‘the girls go get their hair done and the boys go see the big bad alien invasion flick’.  It was big and it was bad and that is about it.  Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight, Thank You for Smoking) stars as retiring Marine SSgt. Michael Nantz.  He’s usually pretty solid, but even Two-Face can’t save this one.  Sadly I had this movie on my “5 Spring Movies You Have to See” list.  Whoops.

Continue reading ‘Battle: Los Angeles’ goes rattle and boom but really just blows- Movie Review