Tag Archives: sci-fi

Unnecessary ‘Riddick’ lacks interesting story and characters

This is one of those movies that just begs the question of “Why are they still making these??”riddickmonster

“Riddick” the third installment in Vin Diesel’s personal crusade trilogy finds our hero, John Riddick (Diesel), awakening on a dangerous and desolate planet, having been abandoned and left for dead some time after the events of “Chronicles of Riddick”. Continue reading Unnecessary ‘Riddick’ lacks interesting story and characters

‘Pandorum’ is a creepy and disturbing sci-fi thriller — movie review

Who’s in it?: Dennis Quaid (Dreamscape, InnerSpace), Ben Foster (30 Days of Night, 3:10 to Yuma)

Whoa.  Ben Foster.  You are a freak.  Seriously man, you scare the hell out of me, which is not an easy task.  I’m not sure that applies to this movie because you are for once, the most normal mother dude in this tripped out freak show of a movie but normally, your presence is enough to make me question everything else that’s going on.

This movie is pretty jacked up though.  Still nothing original, unfortunately.  It’s all of those trapped in space with freaky, gnarly alien monster ghosts all rolled into one.  Not in a bad way but just in the, ‘if you’ve seen one, you’ve see ’em all’ kinda way.  It does have a pretty decent twist towards the end that either I didn’t catch because I’m a retard or just because it was late or a combination of the two. Continue reading ‘Pandorum’ is a creepy and disturbing sci-fi thriller — movie review